It is time for the liberal minded, tax the evil rich people, to go back to school and get an education in simple mathematics. I am actually tired of hearing how we only need to tax the ultra rich to put the US fiscal house in order.... lets take a look at the numbers of the ultra rich.
Lets take the 100 richest people in America and not count their income but lets tax these evil people into oblivion and take 100% of everything they own. We end up with the whopping sum of $812,800,000,000.00 - now that is a HUGE sum of money and think of all the good we could do if we would just force all of these guys to sell everything they own and give it to us, the poor retched people who only have a car or three, food, tv's and if you are reading this then at the very least a computer you can use.
Now here is where the problem comes.... we are averaging a 4.11 billion dollar deficit a day, not how much we spend but how much we have to borrow every day. If we take every dime from the 100 richest all it would do would be buy us a little over 6 months time.
The problem is not the evil rich but the greedy government. The whole argument about making the ultra rich pay is just simple class warfare and nothing more. The rich should pay (PLEASE CUT ALL OF THEIR LOOPHOLES) but they are not the problem.... we are.
Until we can admit that we cannot keep taking more then we spend then we are headed for doom. Calling people names, play class warfare and acting like actual numbers to not count will never work unless you are some left wing lunatic running for congress.
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