You voted them in America. Now lets see how your Tea Party stands with the independent voters after their lunacy has real consequences.
Yes, you asked for it alright. No taxes for rich people, no taxes for corporations, in short no revenue stream with which to balance the budget and now all the cuts have to come from real people losing their jobs and shutting down the government.
But to be honest, I'm worried about Obama and his craven give-a-ways to the Tea Party crazies. Like the tax cuts for billionaires for example. Does he have the guts to stand up to them this time? For once he's showing a little backbone but you can never be sure about this guy.
What are we really fighting about here? It's not the money...the two sides are very close...it's an old GOP standby "CULTURE WARS". If it was about money the Baggers wouldn't have a tea pot to stand on: http://money.cnn.com/2011/04/07/news/economy/government_shutdown_cost/
That's right folks, it's going to cost the taxpayer money. The longer it goes on the more we have to pay.
Sort of like the Tea Party really...the longer they are in office the more the average tax payer will have to pay and the more the corporations will get out of paying. Stands to reason doesn't it?
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