
Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Un-Kindest Un-Cut of All

With the GOP's war on arithmetic finally showing signs of winding down, a group of interested parties have begun to change the debate. It isn't a 'budget' problem(where we just ignore tax cuts to the wealthy) it's actually a revenue problem! Yes! This means that instead of cutting teachers, police, fireman and banning unions we should actually tax (T-A-X) the corporations that are now escaping any form of taxes.
The sad fact is they are freeloading on the rest of us that do pay taxes. Just as much a welfare recipient with every sense of entitlement, the corporations are playing us all for suckers by not putting back with their taxes the infrastructure that they use as much as or more than a "real" citizen.
Time to learn how to count, all you GOPers out there. Time to realize that when balancing a budget any budget you have to consider the income(read taxes here Mr Boehner) as well as the spending side of the ledger.
Time for the biggest recipients of tax payer sponsored welfare(the non-tax paying corporations) to once again pony up and remember 'user pays' applies to themselves as well as ordinary folks.

It's not about cuts TO SOCIAL SERVICES it's about REVENUE generated with big corporations finally paying taxes.


  1. it did get to me that GE paid nada in taxes after having one of their most profitable years ever, I honestly think that we should lower corporate taxes but then do away with 100% of deductions. Small businesses would actually pay less and the big boys would finally pay their fair share.

  2. How much money do we need to give the government? There comes a time when too much is too much and we have to cut spending instead of raising taxes.
