Think of this chart as a GOP 'reality' disconnect. The distance between the green line(tax revenue) and the red line(spending) is roughly how far the GOP method of budgeting is 'wishful thinking' rather than hard headed budget planning.
Yup, it's a one eyed, dollar delusional way of planning your budget. It's the very same as if you ignored a chance to work more hours, to get a few extra bucks in your pocket and only focused on cutting your grocery bill by asking grandma to eat less when it came time to balance your check book.
Sounds pretty stupid when put it those terms doesn't it. How long to you think you're going to get away with it before someone calls you out for starving grandma? Well according to the GOP, this can go on indefinitely.
People get sick and tired of being told to 'work harder' 'work smarter' 'it's your fault when the corporation you work for goes out of business or lays you off'. Gradually...slowly they are beginning to come to the realization that they are being played for fools.
As it is, only fools pay taxes. The biggest corporations(BoA, GE, http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/ge-paid-less-taxes-last-says-york-times-20110329-073651-206.html) pay nix, nada, not a cent! So here we have artificial (legal) entities being supported by real people earning real money paying real taxes that support all the infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc. etc.) that the corporations use in their enterprise but DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO SUPPORTING...NOT ONE CENT GOES BACK to the infrastructure that supports everything they do.
Talk about an entitlement attitude?
When did corporations (as opposed to real people) suddenly inherit the right to suspend 'user pays' when it comes time to pay for the cost of doing business. Just ask BoA when you can stop paying interest on your home loan without penalty if you'd like a tit for tat kind of answer.
Fact: "Reforming the tax code by eliminating most tax breaks. That would raise a lot of revenue, and the commission proposal would use most of it to reduce rates. But it would also earmark a small amount for deficit reduction."

Forbes had a great article about this.... cut taxes and at the same time cut the loop holes and everyone pays a fair share