Will somebody please explain to me why the GOP keeps feeding and supporting these people and then asks the little guy to pay the taxes to keep them in lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.
Is it because they have sold the American people an illusion...sort of like 'politics as a religion'? You have to drink the Kool Aid before you can even understand the arguments. How can 'cut teachers, police, firemen, school lunches for hungry kids' take precedence over 'tax the wealthy and the corporations to make up the difference. It hasn't always been like this you know. At one time, in the not too distant past, Americans thought you should be taxed on your ability to pay, not on your resilience to financial pain and suffering.
A little graphic illustration might be appropriate here: Note that under Dwight Eisenhower the rich paid 51.2% compared to W's reign of financial terrorism where they paid 16.6%

Why is this? Did the average American family lose their ability to call bullshit when they see it? Sadly this appears to be the case. Even today as the GOP tries to cut everything from kids lunches to Mom's ability to go on strike, they still give tax breaks to the rich before they even get started with the cutting of expenditures.
Hell...the median family can't think much beyond paying this month's rent let alone contemplate how that it might be 52 years of tax cuts for the rich might just be finally helping them to fail. To fail to properly educate their kids, to feed their kids without food stamps or to fail to keep their home.
How much more of this are they prepared to take before Warren Buffets financial civil war takes a more sinister and bloody turn?
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