
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On Strike? Republicans Don't Want Your Family to Eat

I always thought the Chinese did this...or some other communist country where you really do need a big stick to keep the good citizens in line.

Want to step out of line and do something politically incorrect? You best first reckon the cost on your family. You yourself, might be willing to pay the price if you're caught tweaking the nose of the powers that be but just how willing are you to sacrifice your children's welfare for your political sins? Are you willing to let them go hungry? Well are you? Just how far do your ethics and morals allow you to fight for fair pay against a corporation?

You are just about to find out.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

GOP's One Eyed, Dollar Delusional, Reality Disconnect

Think of this chart as a GOP 'reality' disconnect. The distance between the green line(tax revenue) and the red line(spending) is roughly how far the GOP method of budgeting is 'wishful thinking' rather than hard headed budget planning.

Yup, it's a one eyed, dollar delusional way of planning your budget. It's the very same as if you ignored a chance to work more hours, to get a few extra bucks in your pocket and only focused on cutting your grocery bill by asking grandma to eat less when it came time to balance your check book.

Sounds pretty stupid when put it those terms doesn't it. How long to you think you're going to get away with it before someone calls you out for starving grandma? Well according to the GOP, this can go on indefinitely.

People get sick and tired of being told to 'work harder' 'work smarter' 'it's your fault when the corporation you work for goes out of business or lays you off'. Gradually...slowly they are beginning to come to the realization that they are being played for fools.


As it is, only fools pay taxes. The biggest corporations(BoA, GE, pay nix, nada, not a cent! So here we have artificial (legal) entities being supported by real people earning real money paying real taxes that support all the infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc. etc.) that the corporations use in their enterprise but DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO SUPPORTING...NOT ONE CENT GOES BACK to the infrastructure that supports everything they do.

Talk about an entitlement attitude?

When did corporations (as opposed to real people) suddenly inherit the right to suspend 'user pays' when it comes time to pay for the cost of doing business. Just ask BoA when you can stop paying interest on your home loan without penalty if you'd like a tit for tat kind of answer.

Fact: "Reforming the tax code by eliminating most tax breaks. That would raise a lot of revenue, and the commission proposal would use most of it to reduce rates. But it would also earmark a small amount for deficit reduction."

Monday, March 28, 2011

Jesus WILL Make You FAT!

They didn't say if it was totally dose related. Do you get fatter the longer you sit in a pew? Does regular attendance at church services more than once a week assure a fat butt? Are those who only go on Easter and Christmas guaranteed to be skinny as a rail?

But the verdict is in...get exposed to church as a young adult and you will almost certainly turn into a Christian sized blimp.

Some are blaming the potluck after services.

I always knew that church was a dangerous place to be. All kinds of radical ideas being thrown around. But at last the full truth can be told. If you love your children DO NOT SEND THEM TO SUNDAY SCHOOL. Once a week exposure to this sort of ideological mind control is all but guaranteed to cause a skinny kid to grow up fat.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Huh? You mean we have to PAY for this?

"It makes no sense in the front room, where in Congress we are debating seemingly every day the deficits, the debt ceiling situation coming up, the huge economic problems we have -- but in the back room we are spending money on a military situation in Libya."

No it does not make sense. It also does not make sense to forgo revenue from the richest people and the wealthiest corporations but that is indeed what you have done.

Tell you what, let the big O follow through on that sucker punch, raise taxes on the rich, make corporations pay taxes and I'll vote the GOP in the next election. Deal?

The Fortunate 400 Get Y-O-U to Pay Their Taxes

Will somebody please explain to me why the GOP keeps feeding and supporting these people and then asks the little guy to pay the taxes to keep them in lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.

Is it because they have sold the American people an illusion...sort of like 'politics as a religion'? You have to drink the Kool Aid before you can even understand the arguments. How can 'cut teachers, police, firemen, school lunches for hungry kids' take precedence over 'tax the wealthy and the corporations to make up the difference. It hasn't always been like this you know. At one time, in the not too distant past, Americans thought you should be taxed on your ability to pay, not on your resilience to financial pain and suffering.

A little graphic illustration might be appropriate here: Note that under Dwight Eisenhower the rich paid 51.2% compared to W's reign of financial terrorism where they paid 16.6%

Why is this? Did the average American family lose their ability to call bullshit when they see it? Sadly this appears to be the case. Even today as the GOP tries to cut everything from kids lunches to Mom's ability to go on strike, they still give tax breaks to the rich before they even get started with the cutting of expenditures.

Hell...the median family can't think much beyond paying this month's rent let alone contemplate how that it might be 52 years of tax cuts for the rich might just be finally helping them to fail. To fail to properly educate their kids, to feed their kids without food stamps or to fail to keep their home.

How much more of this are they prepared to take before Warren Buffets financial civil war takes a more sinister and bloody turn?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bachman/Palin 2012!!

The Democrats perpetrated one of the greatest frauds in history on the American people when appointing President Obama as their nominee. The world flushed at his presence and with many a leg-tingle and cute jingle did he sweep into office...rhetoric ablaze with perceived injustices of his predecessor...pushing aside Hillary Clinton's bid in smoky back-room deals that left her kowtowing to 'the man' in front of an audience of her peers.

The mile long list of electoral malfeasance, misconduct and outright criminal activity seemingly kicked under the table these past years hasn't eased in many people's minds yet so it would probably seem vengeful to many to suggest fighting fire with fire...but I shall.

Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin would make a very effective WhiteHouse team because they look good. There I said it...appearances apparently mean everything so let's go for it. And I mean NONE of this Clintonian power-suit junk either. I want to see my next President and VP knocking out foreign policy while lounging around in red, white and blue bathing suits. I want skirts and heels and some of those stern angry looks that make me want to be tied down and spanked! Cause I'm a bad boy! I want our enemies to fear us because they "don't know wtf those crazy broads are gonna do!". I want our boys in uniform to REALLY cheer when the Commander in Chief shows up...cause she's HOT! I want our women in uniform to aspire to emulate their Commander in Chief...cause she's HOT! I want to utterly and completely disarm the opposition and I believe this combination can do it for us.

I want NOW to be FORCED into the issue; knowing the liberals and Democrats will use 'any means necessary' to score political hay. I want every woman in the world to watch and see their gender going through the ringer trying to finally break the last barrier. There is nothing and nobody that could stop this dynamic duo and the Democrats know this...and fear it. Why else would they have spent the last two years focused on destroying Sarah Palin? I want things to get so bad they have to write a UN resolution declaring Democrats as refugees!

The idea that some guy from inner city Chicago wormed his way into our system by his good looks and charm has inspired me. I think Republicans should do the same.

There's only about 400 of them. Surely we can take them out?

"Yes, “there’s class warfare, all right,” warns Warren Buffett. “But it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” Yes, the rich are making war against us. And yes, they are winning. Why? Because so many are fighting this new American Civil War between the rich and the rest.

Not just the 16 new GOP governors in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, and across America fighting for new powers. Others include: Chamber of Commerce billionaires, Koch brothers, Forbes 400, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads, Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform — which now has 97% of House Republicans and 85% of the GOP Senators signed on his “no new taxes” pledge — the Tea Party and Reaganomics ideologues."

Oh dear, it looks as though there has been a leak.

A Dads Life and Times: Casanova Math Geek

A Dads Life and Times: Casanova Math Geek

The Un-Kindest Un-Cut of All

With the GOP's war on arithmetic finally showing signs of winding down, a group of interested parties have begun to change the debate. It isn't a 'budget' problem(where we just ignore tax cuts to the wealthy) it's actually a revenue problem! Yes! This means that instead of cutting teachers, police, fireman and banning unions we should actually tax (T-A-X) the corporations that are now escaping any form of taxes.
The sad fact is they are freeloading on the rest of us that do pay taxes. Just as much a welfare recipient with every sense of entitlement, the corporations are playing us all for suckers by not putting back with their taxes the infrastructure that they use as much as or more than a "real" citizen.
Time to learn how to count, all you GOPers out there. Time to realize that when balancing a budget any budget you have to consider the income(read taxes here Mr Boehner) as well as the spending side of the ledger.
Time for the biggest recipients of tax payer sponsored welfare(the non-tax paying corporations) to once again pony up and remember 'user pays' applies to themselves as well as ordinary folks.

It's not about cuts TO SOCIAL SERVICES it's about REVENUE generated with big corporations finally paying taxes.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama is a Liar?

 “Over the next five years, we should also lease more of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska for oil and gas production, and we should also tap more of our substantial natural gas reserves and work with the Canadian government to finally build the Alaska natural gas pipeline, delivering clean natural gas.”

"In ten years, we can reduce our dependence so that we no longer have to import oil from the Middle East or Venezuela. Number one, we need to expand domestic production and that means telling the oil companies the 68 million acres that they currently have leased that they’re not drilling, use them or lose them."

“For the past years, our energy policy in this country has been simply to let the special interests have their way—opening up loopholes for the oil companies and speculators so that they could reap record profits while the rest of us pay $4.00 a gallon."

These are all quotes that the then Senator Obama said while on the campaign trail to become president. Today he is running off to countries like Brazil that elected a Socialist President to help them drill and promising them that we would be their biggest customer and at the same time explaining why US companies should not and cannot drill in the US and why the pipeline would be a bad idea.

One simple question as we approach $4.00 a gallon for President Obama a liar?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Democracy in Libya?

As our brave pilots risk life and limb to fly quality ordinance accurately onto target in Libya the debate rages about the validity of such intervention. I’ve heard from every side about why we should not be dropping bombs on Qaddafi and I am quite certain Qaddafi agrees with every single argument. Upon first examination you would think such actions would inflame the Middle East, already tense with the scent of ‘change’ all about, yet the only inflammation seems to be more of the same; ‘Out with the old, we want INTERNET!’. As most people have a short memory, and as such a condition is excusable in this problematic and laborious era, allow me to refresh everyone.

In 2003 the Libyan dictator accused King Abdullha of Saudi Arabia of bringing infidels into the ‘Holy Lands’ at which point Qaddafi was ignominiously smacked down by King Abdullha who calmly suggested he would happily bury Qaddafi right then and there if Qaddafi didn’t shut his humus hole.

In 2009 the pair seemed to make the average observer....however someone in the know would have realized that Qaddafi, in his stumbling effort to confront the King on the prior issue, simply made things worse for himself. He failed to refer to King Abdullah as the ‘Protector of the Holy Sites’, and set himself above the king by referring to himself as ‘The king of kings in Africa’. The apology itself was backhanded, referring to King Abdullah as a coward afraid to face Qaddafi, while somehow managing to cough out a tongue-in-cheek excuse for his rantings ‘oh so many years ago’. King Abdullah graciously accepted the apology and they moved on to the rest of their meeting.

Now fast forward to 2011 and the entire Mediterranean hub is abuzz with planes and ships all doing business with everyone while obliterating the Libyan Military. Nobody in the region seems to fact they’re helping!! In fact the ONLY people who seem to really care are the news agencies. And I mean yeah! Who wouldn’t want a free trip to North Africa this time of year...I hear the beaches are superb!

Of course the REAL question, burning in every-one's mind who gives a damn, is; What are the objectives of the rebels? If the rebels trying to oust Qaddafi are in it for the internet and girly magazines then this would be a reverberation of Bush era policy. If they are trying to form an Islamic state under a Caliphate they will fall under the category being in league with AlQueda.

The battle lines for all of this were drawn a decade ago and I fear our current administration is missing a once in a lifetime opportunity...another ‘inherited mess’ will undoubtedly be the excuse.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The End of the World?

1967 - The end of the world was nigh because Jerusalem was reclaimed and the Time of the Gentiles had come to an end.

1973 - A comet was headed towards the earth and certain destruction was coming.

1975 - The new ice age was upon us and we would all either starve or freeze to death.

1977 - Mutant bees (killer bees) showed that nature had turned on the human population and we were all goners.

1982 - The planets were to align tearing apart the very fabric of our existence on planet Earth.

1991 - The Nation of Islam head honcho Louis Farrakhan proclaimed that the Gulf War would be "the War of Armageddon ... the final War."

1998 - In 10 years the world will be beyond recognition, people dying, pestulance all due to global warming

2000 - Computers would all malfunction creating a total melt down of civilization.

2011 - Ok,we have been wrong everytime we claimed the world was going to come to an end but this time we are right. PLEASE!!!! believe me or Al Gore will not be able to make another billion dollars.

The fact seems that people are always afraid of the future and it does not matter how many times

the predicted demise of the Earth passes without even a wiff of destruction. We seem to forget

the past and smuggly look to the future promising ourselves that this time it will be real and

we will all die.

Please, let us as a people stop hoping for SARS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu or something else to wipe

us off the planet and instead realize that there are dangers to consider but we do not have to be

fatalistic about it.

Man Made Global warming is just another of the long series of scary things that will pass into history.

Political Eternity

This is the introductory to Political Eternity, a blog designed to be a catalyst to create dialog. We really do not intend to rehash the same old tired talking heads stuff that is so popular on TV and radio but instead we wish to look at things as they really are.... strange, funny, scary, important and total pop culture trash all at the same time.

If you are interested in writing for this blog please just send me an email to

The simple rules have nothing to do with left or right points of view but instead is it a different look at an old subject, is it humorous, is it a problem nobody else is discussing, in other words is it something that will not be on 5,000 other blogs.

One last note..... can anyone figure out who the picture is on this post?