1967 - The end of the world was nigh because Jerusalem was reclaimed and the Time of the Gentiles had come to an end.
1973 - A comet was headed towards the earth and certain destruction was coming.
1975 - The new ice age was upon us and we would all either starve or freeze to death.
1977 - Mutant bees (killer bees) showed that nature had turned on the human population and we were all goners.
1982 - The planets were to align tearing apart the very fabric of our existence on planet Earth.
1991 - The Nation of Islam head honcho Louis Farrakhan proclaimed that the Gulf War would be "the War of Armageddon ... the final War."
1998 - In 10 years the world will be beyond recognition, people dying, pestulance all due to global warming
2000 - Computers would all malfunction creating a total melt down of civilization.
2011 - Ok,we have been wrong everytime we claimed the world was going to come to an end but this time we are right. PLEASE!!!! believe me or Al Gore will not be able to make another billion dollars.
The fact seems that people are always afraid of the future and it does not matter how many times
the predicted demise of the Earth passes without even a wiff of destruction. We seem to forget
the past and smuggly look to the future promising ourselves that this time it will be real and
we will all die.
Please, let us as a people stop hoping for SARS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu or something else to wipe
us off the planet and instead realize that there are dangers to consider but we do not have to be
fatalistic about it.
Man Made Global warming is just another of the long series of scary things that will pass into history.